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Based on the beloved, best-selling novel by Alessandro Baricco, “Silk” is the story of Herve Joncour (Pitt), a 19th Century French silkworm merchant who travels to Japan and begins a clandestine and forbidden romance with a mysterious and sensual woman.

Silkworm eggs. In one’s palm one could hold thousands of them. When the pébrine epidemic-the spotted silkworm disease that ravaged eggs from European hatcheries in the 1860s-spread overseas, however, eggs from as far away as Africa and India became infected and the entire European silk trade seemed doomed.

To continue his lucrative trade Baldabiou (Molina), a roguish French trader, decides to send a young military officer Herve Joncour (Pitt) on a perilous mission to Japan. Thus, separating him for months on end from Helene (Knightley), his lovely and devoted schoolteacher wife. The island that produced the finest silk in the world for thousands of years, prior to the opening of the […]
